Alcohol Rehabs in Orlando, FL

Alcohol rehabs in Orlando can help you or a loved one overcome addiction. Alcohol Treatment Centers Orlando can help you find the right treatment center to improve your chances of long-term recovery. The first phase of alcohol rehab is detox, during which traces of alcohol are removed from the body so that brain function can return to normal. Detox effectively breaks the physical addiction so that treatment may begin.

During treatment, various therapies are used to address the complex, underlying psychological aspects of an addiction as well as treat any co-occurring mental illnesses or secondary behavioral addictions, such as an addiction to sex, binge eating, or gambling.

The last phase of alcohol rehabs in Orlando is the aftercare plan, which is set in place after treatment is complete and helps prevent relapse. Aftercare plans are individualized and designed to meet the particular needs of each patient. Do not delay treatment for one more day. Call (877) 804-1531 now for information on treatment options that can help you find freedom from addiction.

Alcohol Addiction in the U.S.

Over 17 percent of U.S. adults have a drinking problem. A recent study found that over 50 percent of adults in America have a close relative who is addicted to the substance. Unfortunately, only around 8 percent of those with an alcohol addiction seek treatment for this serious and complex disease.

Abuse vs. Addiction

The terms "addiction" and "abuse" are often used to mean the same thing, but they're actually very different.

Alcohol abuse can lead to a physical addiction to alcohol over time, but those who abuse alcohol are not necessarily dependent on it. Abuse is characterized in large part by binge drinking, which is consuming enough alcohol in two hours to raise the blood alcohol content to the legal limit of .08 percent. Men and young adults tend to be the most prolific abusers of alcohol, but alcohol abuse knows no demographic boundaries and can affect anyone.

While people who abuse alcohol maintain control over the amount of alcohol they consume and the frequency with which they drink, those who are addicted to the substance have lost control over all aspects of drinking.

Signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction include:

  • Developing a tolerance so that more alcohol is needed to get the same effects.
  • Experiencing the onset of withdrawal symptoms within 6 to 12 hours after the last drink.
  • Becoming neglectful of responsibilities at home, work, or school.
  • Continuing to drink alcohol even though it's causing relationship, health, financial, and/or legal problems.
  • Experiencing intense cravings for the substance.

How Does Abuse Turn Into an Addiction?

The body will build up a tolerance to the substance over time if alcohol abuse is intense. Tolerance results when changes in the function of the brain occur due to the suppression of two key neurotransmitters: GABA, which is responsible for feelings of calmness, and glutamate, which is responsible for feelings of excitement. Soon, it takes more alcohol to raise GABA levels high enough to feel the effects of alcohol, and the glutamate system begins to operate at a much higher level than before.

Once brain structures and functions change, withdrawal symptoms will set in when the substance is withheld from the body. This is the body's way of showing it is now dependent on alcohol.

Rehab Can Help!

Alcohol rehabs in Orlando start with medical detox to break the physical addiction. Medications can be administered to ensure the highest possible level of comfort and safety during withdrawal.

Treatment therapies that are used to address the complex psychological issues behind addiction include cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps increase patients' self-awareness surrounding their addiction and the faulty beliefs and harmful thoughts and behaviors that led to it. Patients learn to replace harmful thought and behavior patterns with those that are healthy. Family therapy is used to restore healthy familial relationships through improved communication and working through various issues that may have contributed to the abuse and addiction. Group counseling draws on the benefits of sharing a universal experience and promotes intrinsic changes in attitudes and beliefs surrounding drinking habits, addiction, and sobriety.

Aftercare plans that are implemented after treatment to help prevent relapse can include ongoing family, group, and individual therapy and participation in a community recovery group. They may also include a stay at a sober living facility to ease the transition from rehab back home. Other components can be added to aftercare plans depending on the patient's particular needs, issues, and challenges.

Why Some People Resist Treatment

Nearly 92 percent of people who need help beating an alcohol addiction don't seek treatment for a variety of reasons, which include:

  • The denial that an addiction is present or that it's a problem.
  • The belief that alcohol makes life interesting and that it will be boring without alcohol.
  • The fear of losing friends who still drink.
  • The fear that withdrawal will be excruciatingly painful.
  • The fear that treatment won't work.
  • The fear of what others will think.
  • Concerns regarding the high cost of treatment.

If you or a loved one has a drinking problem, Alcohol Treatment Centers Orlando can give you information on available facilities that can help you overcome addiction. You do not have to fight addiction alone. Call us today. (877) 804-1531

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